Advertisement Portfolio
Step into the captivating world of my advertisement portfolio, a creation that emerged during the course of my undergraduate journey. These imaginative gems were meticulously crafted for the fictitious AirBnb, a canvas where imagination knows no bounds.
The journey of crafting this portfolio was nothing short of exhilarating and intellectually stimulating. It wasn't about visual aesthetics; it was a voyage into the realm of ideas and concepts.
To dive into this world of creativity and innovation, follow the link below. The central aim? To breathe life into Chirchirahi Udas, transforming him into a beloved brand mascot. The ads were deliberately quirky, to leave an indelible mark on viewers' memories.
Ready for the grand unveiling? Meet Chirchirahi Udas, an embodiment of innovation with a dash of whimsy. Let's embark on this journey together! 🚀🌟
GOMAC Challenge
Introducing the presentation deck from our GOMAC Challenge journey—a tangible record of our campaign's evolution. Now, explore the post-campaign deck, showcasing our campaign's culmination and performance.
Our journey spanned two dynamic months, where I led a dedicated team of five to the competition's finals. Since then, my path has been enriched by various internships, shaping me into a well-rounded strategist.
Marketing, in my view, is a dynamic discipline where trial and error refine strategies. Each mistake fuels improvement. I now focus on analyzing contemporary trends to stay aligned with the evolving global landscape.
Furthermore, I've pursued a course in AI-powered Content Marketing, a crucial need in today's marketing landscape.
Step into my world of continuous learning and exploration with Google's array of certification courses. These are just a few gems from my collection, a testament to my dedication to staying at the forefront of knowledge and skills.
But the story doesn't end here. I'm on a relentless quest for growth, always seeking the next challenge and opportunity to expand my horizons. So, stay tuned because as I keep acquiring new knowledge and skills, I'll be adding more certificates to this ever-evolving journey.